
Tag : Digital Detox

17 May 2017
Digital Addiction Fern

5 Ways to Outsmart a Smartphone: Your Brain, Digital Devices and Addiction

Learn about your brain and you’ll understand many of your habits–including why it’s so challenging to step away from a digital device. Every time we try something new, a combination of brain cells connect to create a pathway that supports learning. The more the circuit is connected, the stronger it gets. The less a pathway is used, the weaker it becomes.  Neuroplasticity: The Brain’s Ability to Change For those who choose to learn throughout life, neuroplasticity is a particularly exciting […]

15 Nov 2016
Burning Rose

Digital Detox: 5 Ways to Clear Your Mental Cache

Feeling overwhelmed, unbalanced and in need of a digital detox with no holiday in sight?  Here are five ways to clear your mental cache and get your digital habits on a healthy and balanced track. No. 1  GET REAL and GAIN PERSPECTIVE. Electronic devices are tools, potentially valuable, potentially destructive and length of on-device time is not indicative of productivity: You could be online for three efficient, balanced hours and accomplish much more than the meandering, digitally exhausted version of […]